Our work as an service-enhanced affordable housing provider…

Stabilizes Housing

[Residents move less often and have improved financial resources for basic needs such as nutrition, transportation, healthcare, and childcare]

Strengthens Communities

[Property values increase by eliminating blight and the accompanying wide range of urban issues such as high crime rates, graffiti, and trash]

Enhances Livelihoods

[Residents improve self-sufficiency and increase opportunities for upward mobility through complimentary onsite resident (social) services]

Improves Economic Opportunity

[Residents benefit from affordable housing co-located with education, healthcare, and childcare in areas adjacent to mass transit]

Fosters Community Connectivity

[On-site staff members collaborate with residents, local law enforcement, neighborhood councils, community groups, and small businesses to advance community-wide initiatives]

Promotes Environmental Sustainability

[Improve resident health outcomes, reduce tenant utility costs, and bring open, secure green space to urban environments]